Auto Pedigree Vehicle Insurance
Auto Pedigree Insurance
Even the most careful and experienced drivers are at risk whenever they set off onto the road. It's just a fact of life. Defensive driving is your best weapon, but still, you only have control of one vehicle and it's the one you're driving.
When buying a car from Auto Pedigree, you can be assured of quality and peace of mind from mechanical and other types of vehicle failure. Insurance can give you peace of mind against theft, accidents, or injuries.
We don't just sell you a vehicle, we will also help find the right insurance coverage for that vehicle, quickly and efficiently. And you can also feel free to contact us should you have any queries on your cover. What could be more convenient?
With over 7,000 satisfied clients, we're about providing service excellence.
Contact us for a quote or any insurance-related questions:
Share Call: 0860 331 331
Email: [email protected]
086 011 1133
011 230 9200