Get Your Deal Assistance as Cashback
Auto Pedigree’s Deal assistance offer allows you as a car buyer to structure your own deal in terms of payment options. One of these options includes what is referred to as ‘cash back’.
The cash back option allows you as a car buyer the flexibility to use the amount in other ways. Good ways to put this option to use could go towards a student loan or school fees, settling your high interest personal loans, and generally paying off outstanding debts. This means you are not obligated to use the money towards the purchase of a vehicle. You’re also able to buy a better quality vehicle because you’ve alleviated your other expenses.
Auto Pedigree gives you the choice to use the amount in any way you want.
How does the Cash Back Option Work?
On the successful purchase of a vehicle and payment from the bank, Auto Pedigree will process the cash back amount into your bank account via EFT or with a cheque. If you need cash on hand then this deal assistance option is for you.
Other Deal Assistance Options
There are at least three other options, and deal assistance is even flexible enough to allow you to choose any combination. Therefore, you can combine your cash back option with any of the following:
Deposit – used towards the upfront payment of the vehicle
Trade-in – Add the amount to your vehicle purchase
Deferred payment – Use the amount to pay for the initial instalment/s
Vehicle deal assistance provides a way to structure vehicle payments by selecting which options suits you, your lifestyle, and your pocket best. Let Auto Pedigree help you find your new used car, because you deserve a great deal.